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By now the physicians adjust posology mainly by empirical method. The physicians basically give patients a quantity they think will correspond to the their needs and then measures the drug concentration to ensure they’re right or to adjust the posology. With this method every physician might give a different amount of drug because of their own past experiences and knowledge. But there are better ways to achieve this and one of them is to predict drug concentration by using models created with statistical data from population. These models need to be adapted to each patient in function of his medical history and his particular physiognomy. Ezechiel is a replacement for an Excel document made by Dr. Thierry Buclin and used by pharmacologists in CHUV until now.The doctors usually sent data to pharmacologists for them to analyze it and return the result afterward. Developing a real software from this Excel document will provide an enhanced tool for pharmacologists and enable doctors to use it thanks to an easy-to-understand graphical user interface. The first target is the long-term treatments where efficiency is needed. In these treatments a careful dosage is essential because of the potentially dangerous side effects.

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