Michaelis-Menten 1-compartment

Michaelis-Menten 1-compartment, bolus
\(V\) Volume of distribution. Ratio of the drug’s amount present in the body over its circulating concentration, [L]
\(V_m\) Maximum rate of elimination. Maximum rate of elimination of the drug from the circulation through a saturable pathway, [mg/h]
\(K_m\) Michaelis-Menten constant. Substrate concentration at which a saturable elimination rate reaches half of its maximum value, [mg/L]
Equation: \(\frac{dC}{dt} = -\frac{\frac{V_m}{V}\times C}{K_m + C}\)
Initial conditions: \(C(t_0) = C_{residual} + \frac{D}{V}\)
Michaelis-Menten 1-compartment, infusion
\(V\) Volume of distribution. Ratio of the drug’s amount present in the body over its circulating concentration, [L]
\(V_m\) Maximum rate of elimination. Maximum rate of elimination of the drug from the circulation through a saturable pathway, [mg/h]
\(K_m\) Michaelis-Menten constant. Substrate concentration at which a saturable elimination rate reaches half of its maximum value, [mg/L]
\(T_{inf}\) Infusion time, [h]
Equation: \( \begin{align*}
\frac{dC}{dt} &=
\frac{k_0}{V} – \frac{\frac{V_m}{V}\times C}{K_m + C} ,
&\text{for $t\leq t_0 + T_{inf}$}\\
-\frac{\frac{V_m}{V}\times C}{K_m + C},
&\text{for $t> t_0 + T_{inf}$}
Initial conditions: \(C(t_0) = C_{residual}\)
Michaelis-Menten 1-compartment, extravascular
\(V\) Volume of distribution. Ratio of the drug’s amount present in the body over its circulating concentration, [L]
\(V_m\) Maximum rate of elimination. Maximum rate of elimination of the drug from the circulation through a saturable pathway, [mg/h]
\(K_m\) Michaelis-Menten constant. Substrate concentration at which a saturable elimination rate reaches half of its maximum value, [mg/L]
\(k_a\) Absorption rate constant. Relative rate constant of the drug’s absorption into the body, [h⁻¹]
Equation: \(\begin{align*}
\frac{dC_1}{dt} &= k_a C_2 -\frac{\frac{V_m}{V}\times C_1}{K_m + C_1} \\
\frac{dC_2}{dt} &= – k_a C_2
Initial conditions: \(
C_1(t_0) &= C_{1residual} \\
C_2(t_0) &= C_{2residual} + \frac{F D}{V} \\